In an attempt to convince you about the veracity of the aforementioned fact, we would like to move gradually from the known to the unknown. It’s the 21st century and something we all believe in is in the logic of science. You ask questions and science gives you answers, not all of us quite understand the logic behind the answers, but most of us do.
For those that do not? They understand that when they ask someone who truly knows, they will know too. The point is that science is safe and logical, and so we trust it. If you’re a skeptic, we are asking you to take a leap of faith. The concept of energy medicine might not seem safe and logical to you, so I will start from science.
One of the basic laws of science is the law of conservation of energy, it states that: ‘energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it can only be changed from one form into another. Matter, which everyone and everything is basically made of, is composed of energy. Energy healing works directly with the energetic level of life. Now, since everything is energy, all forms of healing ultimately involve energy. Most traditional and orthodox healing methods focus on physical, mental and emotional well-being and do not recognize the deeper underlying energy.
Energy healing is by its very nature, holistic. It influences the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being, it is therefore all encompassing. A problem with the physical body, emotions or mental health should of course, be dealt with and treated immediately, but energy healing adds a new angle, that is, spiritual healing.
Like orthodox medicine, where we have the human anatomy. There is an “energy anatomy” in energy medicine. The human body is the vastest expression of energy, apart from the body, there are other bodies of energy which contain subtle energies, and they include emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.
This alternative form of medicine today is a fine combination of ancient spiritual healing and the scientific understandings of today to heal the body by activating its natural healing energies and restoring weak, blocked, disturbed or out of balance energies. It involves distant healing as well as hands on healing techniques.
The energy healer works to get to deeper layers of consciousness of the patient, it is possible that such a patient may sense such levels but is not aware of them and they are in one way or another interfering with the patient’s emotional, mental or spiritual well-being. They may interfere with his/her relationship with others. Energy healing in this case focuses on bringing such levels of consciousness to the client’s awareness in a bid to break the cycle of distress they have caused.
Symptoms like pain on a particular site of the body, lack of focus, irregular breathing patterns, migraines, stiffness of joints or forced movements, fatigue and lethargy, auto-immune disorders, obesity, insomnia etc. reflect stale energy and energy that is not moving through its normal pathway appropriately.
Hershel the Healer through spiritual healing unclogs the energy pathway, creates free movement for the energy and only then will relief of symptoms begin. Energy medicine is natural, highly effective, safe and if I might add, quite logical.
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