Stress and Psychosomatic Induced Illness

When we think about Psychosomatics, we often times have the feeling that: these are people that have physical diseases that are primarily caused by mental factors. However, this isn’t the full truth. Granted, psychosomatics have illnesses that might be physically debilitating; the disorder is a unique one being that these physical illnesses are made worse by mental factors.

Stress and its cousin- anxiety have particularly been shown to aggravate some particular diseases for psychosomatics. The reaction of individuals (with Psychosomatic Induced Illnesses) to the mental aspect of their physical disease, to a large extent determines the trajectory the disease will take.

These reactions can be largely either of two divides: Calmness and Break down. For those on the calm side of the equation, when they notice the physical symptom of a disease, for instance; rashes on their skin. Their calm ‘shrug shoulders and continue activities’ attitude to this symptom leads to the slow-yet eventual- eradication of the sign.

However, for others on the ‘Break down’ side of the divide, their immediate ‘disturbed disposition’ to the slightest of physical signs of a disease, always leads to an escalation of such an illness.

The mental states of some patients are worsened by stress depending on their illnesses. Some recorded susceptible illnesses includes: Stomach Ulcer, Psoriasis, eczema, high blood pressure and heart disease. Patients have even admitted themselves that their disturbed mental state has an impact on their current health status.

Having established the veracity of the inter-relatedness of stress and Psychosomatic illnesses. It is imperative to ascertain some of the underlying causes of psychosomatic illnesses among people. An illness sometimes arises as a defence mechanism by the body, to avoid something unpleasant. It also manifests in order for one to be able to attract and generate some attention from one’s loved ones. And, or sometimes as a reaction to a crisis ongoing in one’s life e.g. mid-life crisis, divorce, purpose crisis e.t.c

Treating psychosomatic illnesses requires a holistic approach, which entails digging deep and identifying the root causes and triggers in a bid to ensure total eradication.

Distance Healing can be used in effectively treating this illness. Distant energy healing is a distinctive and powerful form of healing that works on injury, illness and diseases. And with the aid of technologies like; phone and video-conferencing, appropriate non-physical energy can be channelled and transferred to patients which would make a great deal of difference in the healing process.

The whole world is a force-field, and every element is inter-connected and possesses a certain amount of energy. Distance healing- which deals with channelling energies to correct the mental and physical anomalies in patients- influences the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being of an individual, by harnessing these energies.

And since the human body itself is made up of energies. And these energies can be activated to kick-start a series of movement that ensures a renewal of those affected part ‘energies’ of the body.

Phones and Video Conferencing can be used in the transference of these energies to patients. Distant Energy even when generated miles away can transcend distance i.e. time and space. The efficacy of it isn’t diminished by the distance between the healer and the patient.

In ensuring proper meditation and affirmations by patients, the progress of distant healing can be monitored and controlled via the phones and video conferences. These technologies allow for a real-time feedback on the processes involved in the generation of energy-between the healer and the patient.

Whatever your belief might be about restoration, distant healing has been reported numerous times to have renewed dead cells, given new leases to individuals by virtue of their healed illnesses and injuries.

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